Its almost next to impossible to take a picture of this dude at least by my self. So the pictures get less perfect. This one was the only one that wasn't close up or blurry.

look at that cute #9 (upper left(his left) top tooth) . He has worked hard for these two front teeth lots of tears and sleepless nights.
Well, the
lil' man is enjoying his food of course he will eat all vegetables even squash. He can say mama and
dada and
doooog and he also likes to growl at everything and response to everything with a
RRRRRRRRR. I guess it perfect for the spooky Halloween season , but it doesn't go really well with a monkey costume:( his growl has been getting pretty deep, I'm afraid its going to ruin his vocal cords. I guess if it does we will have to take him to a speech therapist. Brock had to go because he had a raspy voice, father like son I guess. We can't forget the car noises he has worked really hard on too. We play cars everyday and he will make the sounds like a car and push it around .
He also has found himself quit funny and will laugh with or at himself can't decide. Brock and I have officially started the count down till he gets to go to nursery at church, he is a handful always wanting to move and touch every ones shoes and taking toys away from babies, we have 8 more months to go. He is such a sweet baby and I have found it hard for me to leave that sweet boy for more than an hour. He is so fun and full of life we love you Daegy buns :)