We had a great time over the 4th. My sister and her family came up from AZ . We enjoyed having them up and Daegen loved having Beck around. The Weather wasn't that great but we still made plenty of memories. Here are some pics that are courtesy of BethCurtis Photography. I don't even take pic's any more if my sis is around hers are always ten time better. Thanks beth for capturing memories.

Here is beth wearing her thrift store find in the thrift store. Me and My sisters humor is a little odd but we think were funny and we were peeing our pants at this moment.

Daegen and Beck enjoying a wagon Ride.

Daegen with papa

At the Parade

getting ready for the Fire works.

Yes, the boys had matching outfits. We will be doing this till the complain about it

Brock randomly left the house I had no idea where he went. About 30 min later he came back with this beauty. We had fun cruising around in it.

theres my riding waiting for me.

the boys digging our fire pit.

riding in the wagon.


Daegen at the beach.

Emily fighting the kids for the candy.

Daegen was so excited about the big trucks that would drive by

On a family walk in the Wagon.

sporting my red White and blue

We went to the Tillamook cheese factory.

Daegen ran around the carousel trying to find the opening to get in. He was so excited and acted like an old pro.

the dads taking one for the team. Daegen loves the train ride. He is disappointed every time because he runs to the drivers seat and is always rejected and sent to the back.