grapes and drawing were a big must this month.

don't ask I got to this point in my project and asked myself what was I thinking!!!!

Came out of the shower and saw this!!!

busted !!!

more coloring.

tin foil dinners in the rain.

Daegen Loved it. he couldn't wait for us to cut up his food .

Such a good helper . He is always wanting to help his dad.

I have a love hate relationship with my pantry. This is why I hate it, the lil dude climbs up to the snack shelf!!!

there he is again , but he got the chocolate chips this time.

just on the counter texting

he wanted dads dirty stinky socks on.?

In his very much loved backpack. I can't tell you how much he loves this thing. And when he mows the lawn with dad. no better place.

I was cooking dinner and looked out the window and saw this adorable boy running in the lawn. So I had to snap a couple pics.

He insisted on dipping gram crackers in his milk for breakfast. It was one of those mornings and I gave in. His dad taught him this:)

This month was an interesting and stressful month. We have had a lot of personal family challenges. So I thought I would take Daegen with me to the temple, and enjoy the spirit and serenity that are on the grounds of this beautiful temple. Plus we were waiting for grandma to meet us for lunch.

We don't have any out door toys so Daegs likes to take the brooms out and sweep the drive way.

My grandparents came out to Oregon to go to the beach. And they stopped by and I am so grateful they did. They had to leave there trip early because my grandma was in a lot of pain. Her cancer had spread all the way through her lungs. The doctors has given her 3-6 months to live. I hope this is not my last picture with her. I will miss her so much. I love her contagious laugh.

Well, we put in our 3 little snow cones (frozen embryos) . The docs were so against us doing it, but we felt like it was the right thing to do. It failed, my dumb uterus failed us again. I'm waiting tell one day they do a full uterus and ovaries transplant, I'll be first on there list! But we are so lucky to have our Daegen and so excited to be able to bring another sweet spirit into our home through adoption. Not any time soon. We will tell you when we have decided to pursue that path.

I was on strict bed rest and so I missed the church Halloween party. But my boys got to dress up in there cultural costumes. We weren't trying but it looks like our theme was ethnic groups.

brock looks creepy with his chester stach.

Daegen is warming up to his mexican father.

once again I was on bed rest. Brock took a couple days off work. And did a flawless job at taking care of Daegen. He even went and got the boy a bike. He was so excited.

ta da he did it.

He handed me the camera and then posed. So naturally I took a pic and then he grabbed the camera back. Oh and yes thats gum in his mouth he has a slight obsession.

He loves wearing dads hat. He thinks its so funny.
As I was looking at our pictures I was noticing there are no pictures of Halloween. I am a lame parent. My excuse was this was a very stressful month. But I think Brock took pics on his phone so I'll get them up one day.