I had to document my disaster at the grocery store today. After the gym I thought I could quickly go get 2 gallons of milk at the store. So we get there and all was well. Then I had to fight daegen on not getting the car carts. Those carts at this particular store are always trashed and soaking wet ...ect. So we got a normal cart and of course daegen wont get in it, and throws his boots in the cart and insists on walking. So I throw him in the cart which resulted in us getting a lot of attention because, I not only have a 3 year old screaming about a blue car cart but it upsets Pierce so I have a crying baby too. I get my stuff that I need with only a few challenges. Then I go check out. I put every thing on the conveyer belt to then realize my wallet is in the car!!!!! I told the cashier guy and he said ok i'll be here go get it. So I told Daegen k we need to go to our car really fast. But.... He spots the play area. he lost it. he wouldn't move unless it was into the play area. I asked the babysitter lady if I could drop him off so I could run and get my wallet really fast. She said do you have your ID. (well of course not) So I scoop up daegen in a foot ball hold and pierce is on my other arm and I charge to the door with again 2 screaming children. I find the nearest cart throw daegen in it and get to my car like nobody s business. I came back waited another 5 min in line to pay for my groceries and vowed Id never just "run" in to get milk.

But then you come across pictures like this and realize how precious they are. Even if they make getting 2 gallons of milk challenging. They are worth every challenge.