fab four

Sunday, August 19, 2012
We went to Shasta. This was our second time going but our first full week of boating. I'd say that it was a success. These boys impressed me. They both showed me there unique personalities. Daegen by the end of the trip was swimming by himself with his life jacket on. But he still talks about how he didn't like tubing with dad. Pierce loves the water and by the end of the trip he got more vocal about wanting to get into the water. He also would try to blow bubbles in the water. Brock and I wake surfed all week. We both improved in a week. This was my first time trying it and by the end if the trip I was getting the hang of it . Brock of course by the end if the week was trying 360s .
Shaving accident
Daegen had his first run in with the razor. He found the razor on the floor of our shower and decided he needed to shave his face. The poor kid got his lip, which turned into a blood bath. the blood made it look worse then it was. We got it to stop, and then to get daegen to stop crying we had to bribe him with ice cream.
My Piercy turns 1
This little boys has me wrapped around his finger. He seems to get away with a lot. His precious baby face and those big brown eyes get me every time. This little 1 year old doesn't walk yet still takes a bottle and doesn't say much except for ye haw . He does cruise and crawl and tugs on my leg to pick him up. He is my adventure, My dare devil. This little boy has a lot of personality. He won't let daegen get away way with a lot. They are so lucky to have each other. I Love how they play and hold each others hands. Piercy is such a lucky boy. And we are so lucky to have each other. I love you pierce .
Beth was here
We had a lot of fun for 2 weeks. Beth and I had everyday packed with fun. We went to the beach, took the boys to omsi and then had grilled cheese sandwiches on a double decker bus, we took them on lots of road trips and shopping trips. These boys had lots of fun together. We wish they lived closer . 2 weeks was not long enough.
4th of July
We had a lot of fun at seaside for the fourth. My boys were so fun and daegen was having a blast. He loves the beach but this year he remembered everything and was telling us what he wanted to do. his love for our traditions like bumper cars, carousel , the train rides, and the arcade We're so fun.
11 months
My baby is 11 months almost a year!!! He has just learned to crawl on all fours. He loves his mama and his food. He is such a sweet little boy.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
10 months
I almost forgot that my baby turns 10 months today. He is a new man it only took him a month to transform into another child. He is crawling and eating solid finger foods. And... Drum roll please...He has 1.5 teeth. They are so adorable. He really is showing his personality. He lets you know if he wants something and if he is frustrated. But he has the best laugh.
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