#1He knows one shape its a star and he will say tar tar, it takes me awhile sometimes to understand what he is saying so I'll be like Oh you want a drink as he is holding up his sheriffs badge thats a star, I 'll go ohh yes my brilliant child IT IS A STAR!!! kiss kiss tear.

#2 He also is known as the bully in nursery he is the one that pushes your kid down. Yes and I have to face the parents of the kids and I'll say sorry and in my head be thinking what am I going to say next ....and then blame it on my husband always smacking my bum in front of Daegen. And then later when I get home I'll be thinking what did I just disclose to these people. As Brock walks by giving me a little love tap on my bum.
#3 Daegen is becoming little picaso , He is a really intense artist. I don't want to say colorer( if thats a word) or drawer because its so much more than that. He carries a little pad around the house and intensely draws on a post it note pad with a pencil. He will make art with crayons at the table but he tries had to not mix the colors its one color here and another color there. Its pretty perfect.
#4 Daegen still wont say mom. One day I was on a roll asking him all the animals sounds and asked about dad and then I asked who is his mama and he freezes and looks out the window like we weren't even having this conversation. One day I hope he will recognize me by a name other than dada , call me anything, call me scooter, anything.
#5 Daegen is obsessed I mean obsessed with anything that has an engine!!!! Cars, Trucks , trains, fire trucks, scooters, power wheels, motorcycles, 4 wheelers, etc..... And he loves this little show called Thomas the train. He is kinda into the Trains right now in a major way. Train this cho cho that. let me tell you I think that show is so creepy. I would rather watch the Wiggles , I know weird but true.
#6 through out the day you can here him saying Teet or deek. Teet is treat and deek is drink its very hard to hear the difference but at least the drink has a hand movement to go with it.
#7 When he has a poopy diaper he holds his pointer finger up to his nose and says stinky even if its a little gas and he laughs if he hears a toot.
#8 At church Daegen hung out in the back with the old guys and played trucks with them.
#9 He is a Dare Devil point blank!!! it scares me!!!
#10 He will make amazing realistic siren sounds. You would think your getting pulled over there so real.
#11 He still loves his veggies. If you have a salad he wants to sit on your lab and chow down on his veggies.
#12 He loves to dance. I told Brock that I wanted to put him in a dance class . Brock said you don't put a boy in a dance class just because he loves to dance. I beg to differ there my friend. there are lots of other dancing classes than Ballet!!!
#13 he loves gum. Today Daegen came running out of my room with gum in his mouth I asked him where he got is and went towards me room and he goes UHMMM and tries to push me aways from going in and taking his hidden stash.
#14 he says Uh oh to everything its so cute.
I think thats pretty much our life with little Daegen right now. He keeps us on our toes!!!
He will place this car on anything high and try to drive off of it. He does it at my moms house to with something similar.
Daegen the Artist.

close up of the artist.
He is saying cheese. (Oh almost forgot. Every time he gets his picture taken he says cheese.)