(This pic was taken when Brock went night Snowbording and it was just me and Daegen and I was done being mom so Daegen and I were just buddies that night and had fries and milk shakes for dinner.)
Daegen in the last 2 weeks has been soaking things up like a sponge. He has been learning new words and having conversations with me. I wouldn't say they were very intellectual conversations but still he was trying to communicate his feelings . They go a little something like this. Mama, hauka tauka papa gmama, meme , mott ,bucky ,dada pee pee poo poo bumm stinky. WOW I know, what are we teaching him? Well, we are potty training a dog, and Daegen is fairly aware of how to go pee in the toilet or on cue while I'm changing his diaper. Another thing in that department he thinks farting is soo funny. I was watching another little boy one morning and they were sitting at the table and the little boy tooted and Daegen started to laugh, then he started trying successfully to toot also. They are only 2 years old and that stuff is already funny to them.
Today we went to the libraries story time and he was giving everyone fist bumps. Also we went to the store and he was saying hi and good by to random people at the store. He is so funny and I love this stage. Yes, I am worn out at the end of the day, but its worth it. He has me going on bike rides , taking adventure walks, and playing out in the rain for hours at a time. We are each others buddies now and I love it.
You should here him pray, oh my gosh it is so sweet. He loves praying for members of his family. When we sit down to eat he has been know to be the one with his arms folded first.