Daegen and I had fun hanging out with family and laying in the sun and going shopping(I'm bound and determined for daegen to like shopping).
his swimming attire he is very protected from the sun.
So cute . He rarely is on his stomach because he will roll to his back right away. Smart cookie!!
He is saying, " I love being naked, now if only dad were here to join me"
swimming in the pool.
cuddling with granny and auntie Em.
future 5 year old Daegen golfing.
daeges with auntie Em and aunt MEME
While we were in Palm springs we had a nice wind storm and we drove up to an overlook of the valley and it was so windy. I was the only one brave enough to go out there and take pics.
Here I am after the overlook shot!! barley could get into the car it was so windy.

I thought that this was an interesting concept. Spandex are a privilege not an option, but they become an option when they have jeans sewn on to spandex, Right?