fab four

fab four

Sunday, August 2, 2009

8 months

this 8 month pic was hard to get he is constantly moving so most of them were blurry

my babe is already 8 months old. i can hardly believe this sweet boy is growing so fast. ooh i love those cheeks. he is in such a fun stage. He has learned to sit, and crawl and still learning to wave. He is always on the go reaching for toys, chewing toys, trying new foods, playing hide and go seek with mom, making his monster voice , while saying dada, and when he is stressed a little mama comes out once in awhile too. among my favorites is Daegy babies hysterical laugh, especially when his dad is throughing him around he can’t move he is laughing so hard.
i've enjoyed shooting mini movies of him and his new tricks. recently i caught him discovering his knees. Daegen squealed, pleased to be moving another part of his body. he sat there, just smiling . i look at him and know what
living the good life feels like.

Daegy baby likes:

reading goodnight moon

playing the guitar with dad

sitting up


putting everything in his mouth

listening to Bob Marley
eating with his hands
unfolding clean laundry
smiling for the camera
watching me sign more food
taking his shoes off and eating them
playing in the bath tub
(with or without water)
grabbing for noses
jabbering and giggling
intently studying the noisy vacuum
(or the hairdryer, the blender...)
zooming like an airplane
playing find mama around the house

(it turns into peekaboo or I sneak behind him)
We do a lot of this


Beth Curtis said...

oh I love him! I love all the videos. Keep them coming! I am sad that he is growing up so fast but I swear he gets cuter!

Monica said...

Oh my gosh I love that second video! He is so adorable! He is going to be a little BOY when I get back! :(

Jo Lynn said...

Hi Amy, It's Jo Lynn. I've been visiting with Margo and she showed me your blog so now I can keep up with your sweet little boy. Casey and I are so so happy for you both with hearing about the adoption and it brought tears to my eyes hearing Margo talk about the sealing.

What an adorable family you have!!!

Much Love,
Jo Lynn, Casey & Savannah

Miller time said...

Hi Jo Lynn,
I'm so glad that you found my blog. your little pic is so cute and your daughter is adorable. I would love to see your blog and be able to keep up with your life.
amy, brock and daegen