fab four

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
new puppy

our christmas tree
Daegens 2nd birthday party

thanksgiving weekend
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Grandma we miss you already!!
My grandma Passed away today. She was battling cancer for about 9 months. I was able to go out to see her over the thanksgiving week. It was really hard to see her so sick. To think she was out in portland just a couple weeks ago and we were rolling laughing with her. The things she would say were hilarious. I will always remember that moment we shared sitting on my couch snuggled up in my orange blanket.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
A message from me....brock

Thursday, December 2, 2010
today you are 2
Hello birthday boy, today you turn two and we are celebrating. I saw it coming, but I can barely believe it. I am gladder than glad, I have been writing down your life now for 2 years. It was two years ago today that I fell in love with sweet little you. Your cute little toes and nose. Everything about you, your dad and I couldn't get enough of. Twenty-four months does not seem like enough time for a tiny newborn to learn to know who his mommy is, to hold my hand , and to know how to fold your arms for prayer. To go from my snugly sack of potatoes on my chest to playing rough house with daddy. The same blanket that swaddled you like a burrito is now a hiding spot for a wild game of peek a boo. You love to dance and read books, You love cars and trains( I love your intense actions when you say train with your arm movement ) you are so sweet and still give me kisses on the lips you know just when I need them. You still are pretty mischievous and have been sent to time out a lot in the past month. But you are so obedient and you sit there tell I say your done and you usually never do the same naughty thing twice. I secretly like to peek at you in time out because you are so precious sitting in the naughty spot and you look like your thinking so hard about what you did. But the best is you know that you get a big hug and kisses after time out is done. I love that you open the closet door to get out your own shoes, you prefer your rain boots right now. As your mommy, I marvel at the little lessons you learn, stacking knowledge like blocks. until one day you have outgrown being a baby. Wow thats really sad.
I want to remember the way you are as this little person in my life. The way you hug real tight. How you come up to me and give me kisses. the way you lie down on your stomach to see the wheels go round and round while pushing your cars on the floor. how you jump on my bed and carry my computer across the room wanting to watch TRAINS. Or when we Sing the Alphabet and you try so hard to say the right letters at the right time, and then I say the sounds of the letters and you repeat them. I want to remember how you help me with daily chores. How fast your hair grows. How you like to walk around with your two hands , grasping a car in each one and then trying to turn pages or do other daily functions with these cars attached to the palms of your hands. I want to remember the way you dance and the contagious laugh that you have. The way you pop a cookie into your mouth. The way you drag the step stool around in the pantry to find the best treats. I love when you wave at other kids and you sincerly are wanting to be there friends. When your hands get dirty and you brush your hand together to clean them off. How you turn away, suddenly bashful when adult strangers smile, and stare back at them from the corner of your eye. I love that you go to sleep with a nightly routine and that you love when your daddy sings to you a hymn in Swiss German each night.
You are getting so big. However I refuse to be sad about letting you grow up. You were meant to grow and more importantly, I am grateful you are growing. I do not want to take for granted your good health and happiness. We are blessed by your presence everyday. I have plans to cherish each day of you so I never have to wish for you to be a baby again. I love you. Grow, my little man, big and tall and strong.
happy birthday, DaegenLove your mommy