Daegen has not been sleeping really well at night , so he usually ends up on our floor around 3 in the morning. I know what your thinking he has always been a good sleeper! But I guess good things come to an end sometime.
Anyways, This morning he slept in on our floor and while he did, I started to get ready for the day. I later went in to go peek on him through the glass doors that we have and watched Daegen slowly cheerfully wake up. It was adorable. He rolled onto his back stretched his arms and sat there for awhile. Then he got up and I thought he was going to go straight to my side of the bed. He didn't he walked to our big windows with a huge smile , he took in the beautiful view smiling the whole time looking up at the chirping birds. It made me so happy that he was loving where we lived. Then he stood at the window cell and placed his head in his hands with one leg back contemplating about something. Then he kept enjoying the view. It was so adorable. Then he started to walk to my side of the bed so I went in and he ran to me and said Hi mama, mama , mama, and gave me a huge hug. Then he looked at Brocks side of the bed and said daddy at work? which we have to go through about 10 times a day that Daddy's at work.
After all that, he noticed that I was wearing jeans. He says to me "JEANS, YEAH" I guess he was excited that I wasn't in my work out clothes ready to take him to Kids Klub at the gym.
Daegen is getting really good and putting words together. He is expressing himself through words more and it is getting pretty funny. He just is funny and I think he thinks up things to say that he knows is really funny.
Another thing, is he has a huge crush or just really likes this little girl Rowen. which he nicked name her Rowey. Last Sunday we were on our way to nursery and he drags me over to where Rowey is and goes up to her and puts his arm around her and gives her a kiss. Then he holds her hand and the 3 of us go to nursery holding hands. This is all him, what a gentleman this kid is. Also everyday he asks about Rowey. Wheres Rowey mama? Which we do see her a lot during the week , Her mom and I do a lot of things together. Like take walks or go on hikes, we do Costco trips together. So every time we go to the grocery store he gets into his cart and pats to the seat next to him and says Rowey?
One other thing about this kid I don't want to forget. When ever were going toward the direction to my moms house he says G.G.'s house? But when we get really close and take a certain sharp curve he knows that were really going to G.G.'s house and he will cheer G.G. and Pa Pa's house Yeah!!!!!!
We are lucky parents this kid makes everything worth while.
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