I can hardly believe he is already six months. It has been the most joyful six months of our lives. When he was born, our hearts were suddenly his. and when others witnessed our newparent delight, they told us it only gets better. iI wondered how it could get better than this? How could anything top the sweet newborn love. It was perfect love from the start. I wished he could stay tiny. I just loved that little sack of potatoes on my shoulder.
Then he turned one, two, three months old and gradually I came to the realization that I was loving each Daegy stage. Each new age, I yearned for him to stay just that way. Each my favorite stage. He'd grow and learn something new; discovering his hands, his feet, his toes, his voice. The joy of motherhood is in the journey. You have to appreciate the small moments before they are lost and a new stage gets whirled away into a new stage. Soon he will be crawling rather than sucking his toes. Soon he will be turning pages rather than chewing them. Soon he will play pat- a -cake without any help. Soon his chubby li'l legs will be able to walk. soon he will be a big boy but I know I'll love him more and more as the months move forward. The best part is his months are monumental, and we get to share them
1 comment:
Oh I love him!! Those cheeks are so yummy and I can't wait to pinch them in a few weeks! I love Daegy buns!
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